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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Finding Sugar in Hidden Places - For Better Diabetes Management

  1. Jarred pasta sauces - Tomatoes are a good source of lycopene (a great anti-oxidant) especially when they are cooked or in sauces. It is known to lower the risk of prostate cancer and heart disease. Remember to look at labels and see what order the ingredients are in. Those that are the largest amount are listed first. Make sure the label says tomatoes, tomato puree or tomato products as the primary ingredients. Compare amounts of sugar in your product.
  2. Yogurt - Yogurt is a fabulous food for almost everyone but not when it has a ton of added sugars. If it says "Double chocolate creamy rich yogurt" you can bet it has added sugar. Flavors like vanilla, lemon and coffee also tend to have added sugar. Some yogurts have up to 50% added sugar. Watch yogurt with "fruit on the bottom" since it is not real fruit but fruit concentrate with added sugars. Look for low fat/light types or stick to natural or plain yogurt and add your own fruits, nuts and a dash of cinnamon. Plain yogurt has more potassium which is a benefit to most. Try to find one with 15 grams of sugar since the first 12 grams are from the actual yogurt.
  3. Oatmeal - Oatmeal is an excellent choice since it contains fiber, helps you have a full feeling and can reduce your cholesterol. The problem comes when the assorted single packages are flavored and loaded with added sugar. Flavors like Berry Crunch, Maple Walnut or Brown Sugar are a dead giveaway. There are 4 teaspoons of sugar in the flavored choices. Again try plain and add your own toppings or get the low sugar variety if you can not tolerate the plain.
  4. Juice cocktails - Most know that regular soda is not on the go to list for beverages when you have diabetes but forget about regular fruit juices as well. There are diet brands available and you may need some time to get used to them but you will be cutting over 7 teaspoons of sugar if you give up grape, cranberry, apple or other regular fruit juices.
  5. Fat free salad dressings and generally fat free packaged products - Many times a reduction in fat means an increase in sugar to replace the taste. They will also load up on sodium to give back the flavor. Read the labels and see what is included. Better yet think about lemon juice, flavored vinegars, a bit of olive oil and you will save money and increase the flavor without the sugar.

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